
The Influence

Interstellar Government Hall – Hawking Station

The council lasted for several hours already. Subjects followed one another, lingering in palaver and other arguments, leading to secret negotiations, triggering votes to endorse the development projects of space stations.
Despite this, the government hall had not been empty. It had never been so crowded since it was inaugurated several months ago.
But on this date that would undoubtedly be a red-letter day, the Confederations had mandated their most distinguished speakers and fine strategists. Since the beginning of the session, they had pitched their arguments, made agreements and alliances with the opponents of yesterday, negotiated the votes of the day in the sole purpose of increasing their influence within interstellar government and being able, at the end of the ultimate vote, to get the position of Governor of the new system of exoplanets.

At the end of agenda journey, the grand Chamberlain McYntire, the chairman of the Interstellar Council, ordered an interlude of a few minutes before going to the vote. Incongruously, no one dared leaving the hemicycle. Everyone was watching each other. After a short break, McYntire announced the resumption of the session:

“Confederations members, I propose you to move on to the next item on the agenda: the election of the Governor. The draw has designated the Centaurus Confederation to be the first to defend their candidacy. Thank you all to respect the orators. ”

The tension suddenly came up a notch.


Space Gate Odyssey is a race to colonize exo-planets for the sole purpose of gaining the most influence. The choice of planets and landing sites is essential for those who want to maximize their chances of being elected Governor of the system. Will you be enough smart and organized to achieve your goals?

Influence can be gained in two different ways.


End of a colonization

When closing an Exoplanet, each player scores Influence Points for the Settlers he sent. The gain varies according to the exo-planets. It may depend for example of:

  • the number of occupied sites and sometimes their type,
  • majorities acquired on areas of the planet,
  • the presence of at least 1 colon on the different zones.

Some settlers may have to land on Hawking at the end of the game. They each bring 1 point.


Points are tracked on the Influence Wheel of the central Hawking planet. For each Influence Point you acquire, you advance your Settler Marker one step on that wheel. As soon as it realizes a complete revolution and crosses the arrow between the 9 and the 0, you must take one Settler from your reserve and place it on the lowest rank of Government where you do not have a settler yet. If it is the third or sixth Rank, you must instead take an Engineer or Chief Engineer from an Odyssey Control Room of your choice.

Earning Influence on Hawking reduces your action power in the Odyssey station…

Space stations inspection

When the end of the game is triggered, at the closing of the fifth exo-planet, the space stations are inspected to distribute additional influence points. Confederations with the most On Modules of Water (Blue), Wildlife (Green) or Energy (Pink) field in their base get a bonus. Similarly, the station with the most lots of 3 On Modules of different domains is rewarded.

However the value of the acquired bonus (0,1,2,4,7) depends on the position of the corresponding token on the Predominance track of the exo-planet Hawking.

But the position of the different Predominance tokens will change throughout the game. As soon as a player places a Settler on a Predominance spot of an exo-planet, he can swith two adjacent tokens of his choice on the Predominance track of Hawking.

He could especially use the “None” Predominance token to block access to a bonus value.

But space stations inspection may also decrease your influence. Each corridor of both On and Off modules that is opened on space i.e. not linked to another Module, makes you lose one point of influence. It may even cause you to lose one rank in the government if your Settler Marker crosses the arrow between 0 and 9.

The government commission does not deal with the safety of settlers…

It’s time to vote

The confederation with the Settler in the highest Government rank wins the seat of Governor of the new system. Are you ready to wander the halls of the Odyssey Command Station and climb the ranks of Interstellar Government?

See you on March 8th for the release of Space Gate Odyssey to get convinced!

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In Space Gate Odyssey, as soon as you have one or more space gate modules completely filled in your station, you send your present Settlers to the available Sites of the corresponding Exoplanets. Each site can only be occupied by one Settler. There are several types:

  • Basic spots
  • Advanced spots , for which a prerequisite related to the Exoplanet must be fullfilled.
  • Predominance spots, allowing influencing the domains importance within space stations.

Each exoplanet has its own conditions of placement, gain of influence and end of colonization. It is better to know each planet before landing …

Encyclopedia of exoplanets

Exoplanet K-1337 / Bose

Only the top of a giant mountain juts out above the sea of toxic clouds that covers the planet. Colonization goes level by level, as far as the summit.

A Settler can only be placed on a spot on a higher level if that spot is linked to 2 occupied Spots on the lower level. Once all sites are occupied, each settler yields 1 influence point and majority at each level yields 3 points.

Exoplanet YT-23 / Collins

Collins is icebound, except next to its volcanoes. These places provide underground energy and warm the area. Settlers should surround the volcanoes to survive.

The colonization of Collins is played when the six sites surrounding the four volcanoes are occupied or a majority is definitively acquired by a confederation around each of them. Only the most represented confederation at the foot of a volcano gains influence.

Exoplanet 99Z-z / Dirac

Dirac has a brightly lit side and a dark side. Dirac’s colonization starts with the brightly lit side, more accessible and livable. When enough Spots are occupied, the resources grow enough that colonization of the dark side can begin.

The advanced sites of Dirac stoke all the desires of influence but accessing one of them requires to first populate five basic sites. When all the basic sites are occupied, the first Confederation reaching the central site of the exoplanet ends the colonization, while gaining some additional influence.

Exoplanet RGZ6 / Fermi

Fermi is a planet with limited ore. It can be colonized provided that the surrounding satellites are used to mine the ore needed for technology, but Spots on each satellite are limited. Most Settlers are sent to the central planet.

The more a confederation occupies Fermi’s satellites the more it gains influence. But beware: the number of peripheral sites is limited and only settler per teleportation can be placed on the chosen satellite.

Exoplanet PK17 / Planck

On Planck, previous inhabitants built villages and roads, but they disappeared. Did they leave Planck or is their race extinct? This is Planck’s mystery. Settlers are going to occupy the abandoned living places and use the existing network of roads.

Once all sites are occupied, the influence on Planck is gained by having the largest group of linked sites. Each settler also reports influence.

Exoplanet A-6-T7 / Russell

The planet is predominantly ocean. Big storms happen on Russell. Only three or four islands are livable.

Being present on each island, especially with the majority, will bring you a maximum of influence. But the exoplanet Russell can not be colonized so easily: an island is no more accessible as soon as a certain number of settlers have landed, even if there are still free sites…

Exoplanet 54-4Z / Susskind

There are dangerous, even deadly species on the surface of Susskind. Settlers must live at the tops of big trees to escape this threat.

Susskind is probably the easiest exoplanet to colonize: the more sites you occupy, the more influence you gain.

Exoplanet LT-347 / Turing

Turing is a desert. But there is a network of channels where life is possible. You must follow them from the periphery to the center.

The race for influence on Turing can take two forms, depending on the number of Confederations in play. Either it’s a duel to be the first in the center, each starting from one end of the canal that runs through the exoplanet. Either it is a race to the central sites accessible only if the adjacent advanced ones are occupied, themselves being colonizable only when the peripheric basic sites are under control. The position of each settler on the channels yields more or less points.

Leader, architect et strategist

As you can see, Space Gate Odyssey requires both leadership skills, to best place your engineers and robots in the Odyssey station, as architect ones, to optimize moves and settlers transport within your space station, or even strategic skills, to choose the right exoplanet and the judicious sites where to land. Will that be enough to gain maximum influence? The next news will tell you more about the conditions of game end and victory.

Will you live up to the challenge proposed by Space Gate Odyssey? You’ll know it in less than two months now!

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The Odyssey Command Station

« A certain excitement was beginning to reign in all the control rooms at Odyssey Station. The engineers of the various Confederations followed one another in a frenzied rhythm at the control stand to send their orders. In one corner, a chief engineer, recognizable by his suit, was talking to his team to try to anticipate the next orders of his competitors. Further on, other engineers would suddenly run and leave the room, surely to reinforce the presence of their confederation in another part of the orbital station. And what about robots that moved in a technological choreography of surgical precision to position themselves closer to the stand… »

All confederations are on the starting blocks. Their engineers are working within the Odyssey control station to develop and pilot the construction of the space stations hosting the portals, gateways to exoplanets. The race towards the new system will begin soon. You know what remains to do if you want to become the most influential leader of Space Gate Odyssey.

Some engineers

At your turn you can give instructions to expand your station, send in new settlers or deploy them to the structure.

To do this, choose one of your engineers and place it on the action stand of a room at Odyssey Station. Then perform the action as many times as you have engineers (twice per chief engineer) and robots present in the room. But the other Confederations are on the lookout. A tacit agreement between leaders authorizes each confederation to carry out the same action as you for the number of engineers and robots they have previously positioned in the same room.

Of course this arrangement also applies to you: it would be better to anticipate the blows of your opponents in order to take full advantage of the control rooms they activate in their turn. The robots are thus very useful to ensure a presence in the rooms that seem strategic for the development of your orbital station.

Some modules

The first available action  is to add a module to your station. The space worksite offers three types: space gate, airlock and Odyssey modules. All the modules are declined by field (Wildlife, Water and Energy).

  • Space Gate modules allow to send settlers groups on the Exoplanet hosting the corresponding Space Portal. As soon as a portal is filled, the settlers are immediately teleported to the sites chosen by your Confederation.
  • The Airlock modules are used to welcome new settlers sent from the Earth into your space station.
  • Odyssey modules allow you to recruit engineers or robots to increase your capacity of action in the Odyssey control station.

Once you’ve chosen a module, connect it to your orbital station by at least one corridor. Corridors may remain open to the void for a future extension however your engineers advise you not to abuse it. The newly acquired module is however not viable (ON) until a settler has come to supply energy.

You should place your modules as wisely as possible, especially Odyssey ones which once open are just empty spaces. Depending on their position in your base, they can significantly lengthen the way of the settlers from the Airlock to Space Gate Modules.

And some settlers

The second action you can do is to host settlers in your space station to speed up construction and increase your settlement capacity. The settlers arrive by the Airlock modules which contain a limited number of places. Whenever you do the action, choose an Airlock module and fill it with settlers. Make sure you have empty airlocks if you want to maximize this action.

Finally the third action you can realize is to move the settlers within the space station to activate off modules or join the space gates. But moves can only be done between adjacent modules that matches the field of the activated control room: Water, Wildlife or Energy. Every move between 2 modules counts as an action. The position of the modules then becomes important.

As soon as a settler reaches an unactivated module (OFF), he activates it and goes back to your supply. The module is then returned without changing the orientation of its corridors. If the activated module is an Odyssey one you gain the corresponding enhancement within the Odyssey station.

  • Adding an engineer in the control room of your choice
  • Enhancing an engineer to chief engineer
  • Adding a robot in the room indicated on the module

To your plans!

You thought that only Leader skills would be enough to propel you into the Governor’s chair of Space Gate Odyssey?

Think again ! You will need to demonstrate an innate sense of orbital construction to assemble a functional and optimized space station. Fortunately you have a few months left to understand the principles of modular architecture …

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