
The 2022 Ludonaute Games

New year, vast program! This year we explore heterogeneous universes, styles and difficulties. We offer you a sunny start into the world of Sinbad and the legends of the 1001 Nights with 1001 Islands, a redesign of Little Prince – Make me a planet that has not been available for several years. Then we leave Middle East to get to a land we all know well now, in the Wild West, with the new extension – the best – of Colt Express. A second train passes by the Union Pacific and is carrying secret documents. Stealing them is ensuring a juicy reward… It’s now your turn to play, Bandits! Then we take you into a post-apocalyptic world, on the Great River, for a surprising and immersive game. Three game modes: competitive, cooperative, and in team will allow you to embody a mutant to save what’s left of humanity. We told you… A vast program.

1. 1001 Islands

Daughters and Sons of Sinbad, it’s your turn to make us dream… Explore the 1001 Islands and find the marvelous hidden treasures!

  • 💡 Antoine Bauza & Bruno Cathala
  • 🎨 Marie Cardouat
  • 🎂 7 +
  • 👥 2 – 5 players
  • ⌛ 30 minutes
  • 🗓️ Q2 2022
  • 🗣️ French, English, Spanish, Italian, German

First game of this year 2022 is 1001 Islands, a game by Antoine Bauza and Bruno Cathala, illustrated by Marie Cardouat. Family-friendly and interactive, easy to set up and understand – while remaining teasing -, with beautiful illustrations, 1001 Islands is for the whole family.

The game: You, children of Sinbad, set yourselves a new challenge to explore the 1001 islands and find the treasures of your father, this great sailor. You’ve been dreaming of elephants, fennecs, Rokhs birds and other exotic animals, magnificent gems and magic lamps since you were kids, listening to countless travel stories….

Draw as many tiles as there are players, keep one for yourself, give the remaining ones to the player of your choice who does the same. The last player cannot choose their tile but starts the next round. Two types of tiles make up the game, the Island tiles which show animals, precious stones, bandits and magic lamps, and the Dream tiles which allow you to score points thanks to the elements visible on the Island tiles you have chosen. Match them the best as you can to score the most points. So, who among you will know how to create the most incredible island?

2. Colt Express : 2 Trains & 1 Mission

A second train, top secret documents to steal, but still the same Mission: to become the richest in the Wild West!

  • 💡 Christophe Raimbault
  • 🎨 Jordi Valbuena
  • 🎂 10+
  • 👥 3 – 8 players
  • ⌛ 50 minutes
  • 🗓️ Q3 2022
  • 🗣️ French, English, German, Spanish…

We keep on with the new expansion of Colt Express: 2 Trains & 1 Mission geniously by the talented duo formed by Christophe Raimbault and Jordi Valbuena. With this new expansion, Colt Express takes a new turn… A second train, a team mode, new action, new Loot, new Bandits and above all, a good dose of laughter await you.

The game: When the train of Colt Express crosses the Union Pacific which carries precious top secret documents, our famous bandits don’t hesitate for a second … They jump from train to train and play as a team to try to rob them. But beware, the shotguns roam and the Gatling on the roof does not bode well.

5 Rounds to best program your Actions, to steal, shoot, punch, help your team, to become the richest team in the Wild West! Or not !

3. Precognition

Embark on the Great River and use your faculties of Precognition to save as many survivors as possible!

  • 💡 Julien Prothière
  • 🎨 Sébastien Caiveau
  • 🎂 12+
  • 👥 2 – 4 players
  • ⌛ 60 minutes
  • 🗓️ Q4 2022
  • 🗣️ French, English, German, Spanish…

Our last game of this year is designed by Julien Prothière and illustrated by Sébastien Caiveau. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where mutants with the power of precognition decide to save what is left of humanity. On the Great River towards a protected island which they have sensed the presence, they rescue and treat the survivors but wicked waves are not long in falling on them…

The game: One goal: to embark and save as many Humans as possible during our journey. For this, Ymunes and Humans will have to collaborate. The journey promises to be difficult, the territories to be crossed will be hostile … We know that downstream the plagues sweep away everything in their path. We know there will be other dangers as well, which some will die of. But we are confident, we believe in our faculties of Precognition.

In Precognition, in order to win, you truly anticipate the future. The understanding a new card allocation mechanism, which we have named Dual Select System, is essential. This game mechanic, in addition to being innovative, fits perfectly with the theme because, among the two cards that you will let pass, one of them will come back to you on the next turn. It’s up to you to make the right choices. Precognition also has the advantage of being played as well with 2 as with 3 or 4, cooperatively, competitively or as teams.

The 2021 Ludonaute Games

Soooo? What’s coming out at Ludonaute this year?

New year, vast program! Since we can no longer travel, we first invite you to explore the globe so you may discover the entrance to a lost world with Lost Explorers. Then we leave Earth and fly into space to protect the C-64 planet from the ongoing Creeper attack with Star Clicker. Hurry, Max, Lily, Brian and Wendy need you! As summer arrives, we allow you to reveal your artistic talent and most of all, to have a good laugh with your friends thanks to What’s Missing? Purple Edition. And, finally, we take you to meet some beautiful and powerful animals that will help you protect the Forest from Onibi’s flammes with Living Forest. We told you, a vast program.

1. Lost Explorers

Adventurers, get ready! You may be about to discover a Lost World…

  • 💡 Cédrick Chaboussit
  • 🎨 Christine Deschamps
  • 🎂 10 yo+
  • 👥 2 to 4 players
  • ⌛ 40 minutes
  • 🗓️ 2 April 2021 (France)
  • 🗣️ English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Polish

We start the year in style with the beautiful Lost Explorers of Cédrick Chaboussit, illustrated by Christine Deschamps, which will be released on April the 2nd in France! The setup of this game is very quick with its book-box and its simple rules can be explained in a few minutes but beware, under its false airs of simplicity, it will make your brains burn. We did not expected less from Monsieur Lewis & Clark.

The game: Your mission? Find before others the entrance to the Lost World discovered by two famous explorers! Who doesn’t dream of setting foot on a secret land…? You are at the head of an expedition and, from Venice, you send some members of your team to investigate all over the world while others are getting vehicles to get there. You also have two expedition leaders who have the onerous task of analyzing the results of this research. They walk on the tracks of the two explorers and, each new clue makes them get closer to the secret entrance…

2. Star Clicker

Come on, get to your Spaceships to save the planet C-64 from the ongoing Creeper attack!

  • 💡 Christophe Raimbault
  • 🎨 GYOM
  • 🎂 8 yo+
  • 👥 2 to 4 players
  • ⌛ 40 minutes
  • 🗓️ June 2021
  • 🗣️ English, French, German

We continue with the brand new game from Christophe Raimbault, father of Colt Express, who returns with the intergalactic Star Clicker illustrated by GYOM. This cooperative game in which you play children from another galaxy is made for the whole family and promises you a great immersion. With its comics at the start of the rules, its 3D dashboards and buttons you will press to operate your Spaceship, it’s as if you were there! You will feel invested with a mission: to save this planet.

The game: Explore the surroundings to find and destroy the 8 Creeper Jammers so that the self-defense mode of your planet C-64 makes short work of the invaders. Because yes, Your parents away, the sneaky enemy Creepers take the opportunity to attack you, believing you to be defenseless! To move or shoot, press the buttons on your Spaceship but be careful to press the right ones. Not visible, it could well be that a few failed shots reach the pilots of your team…

3. What’s Missing? Purple Edition

Draw anything you want… Except the answer!

  • 💡 Florian Sirieix
  • 🎨 Shanshan Zhu
  • 🎂 7 yo+
  • 👥 3 to 6 players
  • ⌛ 20 minutes
  • 🗓️ July 2021
  • 🗣️ English, French, Chinese

Some of you may already be familiar with What’s Missing?, this clever drawing game signed Florian Sirieix and illustrated by Shanshan Zhu released in 2020. It is back this year in a beautiful Purple Edition enriched with 240 new cards and an additional level of difficulty. Standalone, it can also be combined with the first edition, thus doubling the fun and the number of players.

The game: Pick a card, slip it under the transparent sheet of your sketch pad and, instead of representing the image of your card, draw all around the elements that place it in an environment, a context. This will help other players find what you haven’t drawn! To win, being smart is more important than being a good artist… The four difficulty levels allow you to play with the whole family.

4. Living Forest

Protect the forest and save its sacred tree from the grip of Onibi’s terrible flames!

  • 💡 Aske Christiansen
  • 🎨 Apolline Etienne
  • 🎂 8 yo+
  • 👥 2 to 4 players
  • ⌛ 40 minutes
  • 🗓️ October 2021
  • 🗣️ English, French

How better end the year than with the magnificent illustrations by Apolline Etienne which give Living Forest, a game by Aske Christiansen, the tribute it deserves? Its fluid and original mechanics, alloy of Push your luck and Deck building, its immersive theme, the beauty of the material and this little desire at the end of a game to start another one all make it a great game!

The game: you play a Spirit of Nature trying to save the Forest and its sacred Tree from Onibi’s relentless attacks. You have one of three ways to do this: by planting 12 different Protective Trees, by collecting 12 Sacred Flowers to awaken Sanki the great Guardian of the Forest, by extinguishing 12 Fires to permanently repel Onibi. But you’re not alone in this task, Guardian Animals have come together around the Circle of Spirits where you progress to help you. Each turn, they bring some precious elements and if you manage to combine a good team of Guardian Animals, you can perform actions optimally. But beware, some of them are solitary and do not like to meet other fellows

The Ludonaute Advent Calendar

Welcome to our 2020 Advent Calendar Page. We have decided that every day at 9:00 am, we will give you a little something to brighten up your day. Each day a surprise, so have fun!

The lockdown’s Enigmas

During this lockdown we had a lot of fun creating some riddles for you, precisely four, more or less complicated around our key games. Who kidnapped Rosie, the Sheriff poodle in Colt Express? Who won the Lewis & Clark game? Who sent a secret love letter to Thor or Who married Skadi in Yggdrasil Chronicles? These were the little ‘brain killer’ games for this fleeting lethargy and we have gathered them here with their solution.

Enigma 1 • Who kidnapped Rosie, the Sheriff’s poodle?

In the world of Colt Express

Enigma 2 • A hidden love on Yggdrasil

In the world of Yggdrasil Chronicles

Enigma 3 • Off to conquer the Wild West

Enigma 4 • The amazing wedding of Skadi

In the world of Yggdrasil Chronicles

Colt Super Express… What are the differences with Colt Express?


Colt Express

From 10 years old

2 to 6 players

40 minutes

October 2014

Colt Super Express

From 8 years old

3 to 7 players

15 minutes

June 2020

Colt Super Express is a new game, it is neither an extension nor a mini version of Colt Express. The Colt Express universe remains but the mechanics, the goal and the sensations change.

So in concrete terms, what are the differences with Colt Express?

The main change in our opinion takes place in the gameplay. Playing to collect loots in order to become the wealthiest or playing to kick other bandits out of the train in order to remain the last man standing changes completely the strategy, the attitude and the feeling of the player. The other players are direct enemies, their actions have immediate consequences and the elimination is irreversible. If you get out of the train, whatever the reasons, you’ve lost. With Colt Super Express, it’s the wicked side that we will appreciate. The timeliness of the games augments this feeling. Every step is going faster in this new game, the programming is only 3 cards per player, the rounds are shorter, the game can stop at any time and at each turn a train car unhooked reducing the possibility to save yourself. When you lose, the urge to take revenge is really strong which is a real asset for this game.

There are also “technical” changes. The 3D cardboard train has been replaced by cards which make it easy to carry. Note for the lovers of the 3D train: it will be possible to play with it! Unlike Colt Express, this new game is played exclusively face down, which will spice up your attack plan. The surprise effect is guaranteed! Try to read well in other bandit’s games. Figures now have an orientation, you can only move and shoot in one direction. A new Flip card has appeared to allow you to change of direction. The position and orientation of your figure has become very important. Besides, the bandits no longer have their own power, everyone plays on the same bases.

In conclusion, between bluff and deduction Colt Super Express is a 15-minute Battle Royale that will make you want to revenge!

Essen 2019 – Chronicles of a festival foretold

In just over a month will open the doors of the International Spieltage 2019, better known as Essen. It is therefore time to reveal what the Ludonaute team has prepared for the boardgame Messe from 24 to 27 October in Germany.


Pay honour to whom honour is due!

Let’s start by the new Ludonaute release.

After exploring a system of exoplanets using space gates, Cédric Lefebvre returns after a long journey to the borders of Valhalla to present us his new game, Yggdrasil Chronicles, which you can discover in preview on our stand.

This new boardgame is placed in the same universe of Nordic mythology as Yggdrasil, and takes again the collaborative type and the unique objective: to repel the enemies to save the World Tree. For the rest, it’s a brand-new game that has designed Cédric, with a new gameplay, different game modes (solo, for 2 players, campaign of 6 scenarios) and immersive equipment including a 3D-tree with turning World-trays. Everything is magnificently sublimated by the illustrations of Maeva Da Silva and Christine Deschamps.

Have you always dreamed of playing a Nordic God?

Our animated team composed of Lola, Jennyfer, Philippe, Henderikuus and Eric will explain you in French, English or German, how to fight Loki and his companions in this epic quest with sweet scent of Asgard mists.

Want to know more about Yggdrasil Chronicles? it’s here.

Want to meet the author and the illustrators?

They will be happy to welcome you and sign your boxes:

  • Thursday, October 24 from 14h to 16h
  • Friday, October 25 from 11h to 13h and from 14h30 to 16h30
  • Saturday, October 26 from 11h to 13h

But that’s not all

If you missed the first shuttles to Odyssey Station, additional flights were added to help you discover the exo-planets system the Confederations are trying to colonize. The good news does not arrive alone as our scientists have discovered the existence of a new exo-planet, Barrau, of which we know very little for the moment, except that its surface seems in eternal movement.

Do you have the soul of an explorer-colonizer? Space Gate Odyssey will be available on our tables during the whole festival.

You spent the last months in cryogenisation? Space Gate Odyssey, that’s it.

Want to know more about Barrau? Just take a look at our scientists report.

And as Christmas approached, the Santa Claus Elf boarded the Colt Express to deliver his gifts to the train driver who deserved them. Will our favorite Bandits help him in his task or, on the contrary, do everything to prevent him from reaching the locomotive?

Want to know what surprise does the Santa Claus Elf have in store for you? Gift !

To conclude…

Pre-sales for Essen are now open on the Ludonaute website and will have to be collected at our booth during the festival. You will also be able to buy the games & Goodies on our Booth.

We propose

  • Yggdrasil Chronicles
  • Space Gate Odyssey and the Barrau exo-planet goodie
  • Santa Claus Elf goodie for Colt Express


Let’s visit us on the Ludonaute booth @Hall 3 – K113 !