
Colt Super Express… What are the differences with Colt Express?


Colt Express

From 10 years old

2 to 6 players

40 minutes

October 2014

Colt Super Express

From 8 years old

3 to 7 players

15 minutes

June 2020

Colt Super Express is a new game, it is neither an extension nor a mini version of Colt Express. The Colt Express universe remains but the mechanics, the goal and the sensations change.

So in concrete terms, what are the differences with Colt Express?

The main change in our opinion takes place in the gameplay. Playing to collect loots in order to become the wealthiest or playing to kick other bandits out of the train in order to remain the last man standing changes completely the strategy, the attitude and the feeling of the player. The other players are direct enemies, their actions have immediate consequences and the elimination is irreversible. If you get out of the train, whatever the reasons, you’ve lost. With Colt Super Express, it’s the wicked side that we will appreciate. The timeliness of the games augments this feeling. Every step is going faster in this new game, the programming is only 3 cards per player, the rounds are shorter, the game can stop at any time and at each turn a train car unhooked reducing the possibility to save yourself. When you lose, the urge to take revenge is really strong which is a real asset for this game.

There are also “technical” changes. The 3D cardboard train has been replaced by cards which make it easy to carry. Note for the lovers of the 3D train: it will be possible to play with it! Unlike Colt Express, this new game is played exclusively face down, which will spice up your attack plan. The surprise effect is guaranteed! Try to read well in other bandit’s games. Figures now have an orientation, you can only move and shoot in one direction. A new Flip card has appeared to allow you to change of direction. The position and orientation of your figure has become very important. Besides, the bandits no longer have their own power, everyone plays on the same bases.

In conclusion, between bluff and deduction Colt Super Express is a 15-minute Battle Royale that will make you want to revenge!


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