
News about Lewis & Clark

They are back and it makes us happy :-)

About reprinting
As you may know, our last game Lewis & Clark is being out of stock of our distributors for about two months. The first print of 3,000 copies we released in Essen fair was sold out very fast.
boite3D V2
We had to re-print the game, but it took a couple of months before launching a new print run: we spent the whole November and December months preparing this new run, contacting our various distribution partners, taking orders, translating rules, working on new files.

We were able to launch the production of 10,000 new copies just before Chinese New Year Eve.  We are glad to tell you today that the containers are on their way to supply stores in Europe and America. Depending on the countries, Lewis & Clark will be available in March 2014.   Globe-terrestreFor this new print run, Lewis & Clark will be available in French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Polish. You can find the names of our distribution partners in various countries by clicking opposite….. How is this new box?
   We decided to change the box size in order to improve the game’s visibilty in stores and fit to the US standards. The new version is a square box (same size as Ticket to Ride boxes). Each copy has one rules booklet in one language depending on the country. photo-boiteV2L&c  photo-thermoV2L&CWe had to reduce the size of the game board a bit to make it fit to the box and make new punched boards.

We added a plastic tray which allows a better storage of the contents.   The game rules were revised too: new layout and rewriting some confusing points. Eventually, the player Aid cards have been removed. The playing cards will be of better quality. The rest of it is exactly the same as in the first version….. A great thanks to the fans!
   For the last three months, the game has been getting some followers and became quite popular. Despite our small first print run, quickly sold out, we got a lot of enthusiastic feedbacks. Tthrough word of mouth, more people got interested. We are happy to learn that the game is nominee for the Golden Geek award as well as for the « As d’or’, the most famous French game ward. LogoASJeuAn2014nom


2 0 1 4

This year, publish

2  novelties, Ludonaute will. (but it is too early to talk about)

This year, spend

0  day without playing, Ludonaute will. (as you can imagine)

This year, obsessed by

1 thing, Ludonaute will be. (publishing the best games in the world ;-))

This year, cook lots of

4-cheese pizzas we will. (because we just enjoy life!)

To start this year well, we make available online the F.A.Q. for our two last games Lewis & Clark and SOS Titanic. You can find them linked on the dedicated page of each game

Our webshop offers you now to order the sticker sheet promo we distributed in Essen.

SOS Titanic and Lewis & Clark available in the US


A few weeks after their release in Europe, our two games SOS Titanic and Lewis & Clark are now available in North America: in the US through Game Salute and in Canada through Distribution Dude.

SOS Titanic has run a short Kickstarter campaign. Thanks to all the 279 bakers who supported the game’s import by this way. The copies of SOS Titanic will be shipped to them next week, with the promo Score booklet. Then SOS Titanic will be available in shops, just before the end of this year.
A short video, made in GenCon, with Bruno Cathala explaining how it works
The 300 copies of Lewis & Clark, imported in the US, have already been pre-sold. Unfortunately, we were not able to increase the number of copies sent to the US right after Essen Spiel. All our distribution partners saw their orders’ quantity limited, because we only had 3000 copies.
But, no worries, a new print run has just been launched. New copies will be available within 3 months, in March 2014, in Europe, Asia and America.

A video that tells you all you need to know about the game