

Roll dice to save Atlantis

  • Shaun Graham & Scott Huntington

  • Clément Masson & Alexander Thümler

  • 8 years old and up

  • 2 to 4

  • 40 minutes

  • September 2018

  • upcoming

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Trailer Atlandice EN

A majority and drafting dice game.

The cataclysm flooding the Atlantis under the ocean has just begun. The last city of the mythical island is about to sink.

You, as the last of the Atlanteans, are trying to save all that can be saved, before fleeing the fury of the elements. The clock is ticking. You do not have much time to gather the wealth of Atlantis.

The goal of the game

Visit Atlantis areas using the open gates. Use the infrastructures of the city to your advantage in order to get as many resources as you can. Keep an eye on the Districts, emptying themselves of their resources, and on the clock, as it shows how much time is left before the end of the game.

Earn prestige by collecting more resources than your opponents, at the key-moments of the game and at the end.

Playing the game

At the beginning of each turn, the first player rolls all the dice and place them next to the corresponding numbered districts. (For example, the “1” dice  are placed next to the Jewelers.)

On each district of the city, there are resources: the gems gon on the Jewelers, the books go on the Librairies, the provisions go on the Inns, the tools gon on the Engineering works and the weapons go on the Blacksmiths.

Then starting with the first player and going clockwise, each payer must:

  • choose a die,
  • then take one resource on the chosen district,
  • last, apply the effect of the chosen district.

The turn goes on until each player has taken two dice.

For example, when you take a die on the Jewelers area (see opposite), the effect is:

Roll the die. If you get an odd number, get one additional resource on this area.

When you choose the area where the sub-marine pawn stands, you can collect one additional resource.

Moving the clock hand

After two turns, each player has chosen 2 dice, and 1 die is left on the table, next to a district.

The clock hand is therefore moved by as many spaces as there are of Clock hand icons on the tile. (2 spaces in the example opposite)

An event may be triggered after the move.

Two types of events:

  • Survey: the player who has the most matching resources earns one victory point.
  • Donation: each player can spend 2 resources of any kind to get 1 victory point.

When a district is empty,

the player who has the most of the matching resource earns 3 victory points. The second-ranked player earns 1 victory point.

All the players return all of their corresponding resources. A new district tile appears.

End of the game

The game ends when the Clock hand reaches the last space of its track. Then for each type of resources, the player who has the most of it earns 3 victory points.

The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner.