
Colt Express app is available now!

We are very proud to announce you that you can now play Colt Express digital version, online or in local game, in various supports PC, Mac, pads and cell phones.

We take the opportunity of presenting the app officially on our website to tell you that the app will be sold with 40% discount during the festive season. Feel free to enjoy it and share the information with your friends.

We have developed the board game for a year to adapt it to the digital. The idea was to use this new support to introduce new game plays and  rules that wouldn’t be easy to set up in the « physical » game.

So what are these novelties?

More stories

Our first goal was to make the game more « narrative ». Each bandit has his own personality and his own story. We created these personal stories with Jordi Valbuena and Christophe Raimbault. They are presented in the app under comics. You’ll discover that every one has his own goals and background.

This narrative aspect can be found in the gameplay. Indeed the app offers a campaign for each character, with 6 scenarios each time. In these scenarios, the player is alone against the IA and must achieve some specific goals.  The game rules are then a little bit modified.

In a few words, here are some new mechanics:

  • Belle can charm another bandit. So you can play 2 bandits at the same time.
  • In Doc story, the caboose will be unhooked.
  • Tuco will learn to use the Gatling gun on the roof. He’ll shoot better than anybody.
  • Cheyenne will be spellbound by her ancestors’ amulet. She’ll be able to play any kind of actions then.

When you play the Story mode, you unlock various variants for the game, that you can use after in the Classic mode: the dynamite, the cursed amulet…

In the Classic mode, you can play local or online. As you play along, your account can be enriched with new titles form the Old West: Easy gun, Invisible man, Pyromaniac… You can also gain new cars, new features for the bandits…

A similar art but different

In order to stay close to the board game, we chose to keep Jordi’s art and give life to the bandits and the train like cardboard figures.

The user experience must be adapted to the digital support. Icons,windows, animations have been made by Frima studio, by the Canadian team who made the digital development. .

We really enjoyed working on the app with Christophe, creating scenarios, new effects and new rules. We are sure that you’ll enjoy playing it too.

See you very soon onboard!


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