We haven’t written here for some weeks, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that we do nothing. Even if we enjoy the summer time with family and friends.
The first news is the opening of the official website about Colt Express. You will find there everything about the game, but overall a forum for discussion for you, players, Colt Express lovers.
The website will expand in the upcoming weeks; supplemented with the whole resources scattered all over the web.
Click here to visit the new website
Another news: we have changed the layout of the base game rules, that should be in the boxes available from next September. A 12-pages booklet replaces the 3-pages leaflet. This new rules book will offer more illustrations and examples to start with the game easily. It will be downloadable on the Colt Express website soon.
Last but not least: we are working with Asmodee Digital and Frima studio on an app for Colt Express. I can tell you now that it is goes very well. Prepare to the launch at the end of the year.
Stay tuned and follow the progress of the project on the new website!