
Our Festival in Cannes

Our FIJ 2015 in Cannes was a moment full of emotion. We put our booth up quickly during the afternoon with the help of Cédrick Chaboussit, and we met Christophe Raimbault and Jordi Valbuena next to the stairs of the Palais.

The ceremony of the As d’Or rewards started at 5:15 p.m., with the presentation of the game « Les Poilus », that had been illustrated by Tignous, just before he was assassinated with other journalists of Charlie Hebdo. E thrill homage.

Then was a dull gibberish by a NPD group analyst about the Games market.

Nadine Seul, then, started the presentation of the 12 nominees, with Marcus and Monsieur Phal. One by one we came to the stage to give some words about our game. Short speeches, jokes, laughs, this is a cheerful moment.

On the Friday, Christophe and Jordi were asked to sign or talk in TV. They are the stars of the day!

At our booth, we made people play Discoveries. Cédrick listened to the players, their feedbacks, their feelings about the game. He doesn’t need to worry anymore: the feedbacks are good, VERY good ;-)

Christophe set up play tests of the possible expansions of Colt Express. Various « module » were played, we gathered feedbacks. We know that for sure the first expansion will contain horses and a stagecoach.

On the Sunday afternoon was the final round of the League of The Little Prince organized by la Boutique d’Oren  during the last 6 months.

It was a contested game, and the winner was Romain with his amazing 50 points-planet.

To sum up, this Festival was extraordinary. All the Thank you and congratulations we got gave us peps and energy for the next 12 months.

Can’t wait the next one!


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