
Ludonaute at Cannes’ festival


Previews? Yes we Cannes!

And its first expansion!

Colt Express will be presented in Cannes at several booths:

– on the As d’Or booth, with Ludocortex team

– on Asmodee’s booth, in a over-sized version and in Real life :-)

– on our booth (at the end of the line 16, in front of tric Trac booth) with the prototype of the first expansion.

The designer of the game, Christophe Raimbault, will be there all the fair along for signing sessions and testing sessions.


If you are there on the Friday, you may have the chance to meet Jordi Valbuena, the artist, who will sign your box with pleasure.

An expansion? What is it about?

In the prototype you will test next week at our booth, you can find:

– horses, because riding next to the train, this is fun!

– prisoners and a new car

– hostages and a stagecoach

– the way to play the Marshall, alone against all the others :-)


This expansion will be released in Essen Spiel ; thus we are still adjusting some rules and we need your feedbacks to make the game better.

Another version of the story of the Corps of Discovery!

If you read the designer diary of Lewis & Clark game, you know that we had to leave a large part of the story aside.


A year ago, Cédrick Chaboussit  showed us a new game, with the same background as Lewis & Clark, the Expedition, but with dice this time!

This is a shorter game than Lewis, but that needs brain too ;-)

That special game will be released at GenCon next summer, but we’ll have a playable prototype next week in Cannes, with the first drawings from Vincent Dutrait.

A new game by Antoine Bauza and Bruno Cathala !

Yes, it is! A NEW game about the Little Prince, more specifically about the animated feature film, due to be release this summer.

This time, no need to build a planet but rather go for a journey into the stars.

You can click to watch the trailer of the film.

The game aims casual gamers and families, but with some clever switches (you know Bruno, right? ;-))

You can play it in preview at our booth.

Regarding The Little prince – Make me a planet, we shall settle the final round of the « Ligue ». It will happen on Sunday the 1st of march, from 2:00pm to 3:00pm, at Asmodee’s booth.

« Ligue Petit Prince » finals


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