
Happy New Year 2015

As usual in January, we wish all of you, gamers, friends, passing readers, a beautiful and heartful year 2015!

(yes indeed, we are on schedule for this – the accepted wisdom is that we can offer best wishes until the 31st of January ;-)

This new year will be a rich year (once again): full of games, novelties and expansions, games events, meetings and surprises.

If we are a little bit late in the calendar, this is because of the update of this website’s display. That was part of the “good resolutions” (we traditionnaly take and usually try to realize). The firm resolution of writing here (more) regularly of one of them too. We love sharing our work, our wishes, our feelings with you. And the lack of time often prevents us from doing it.

But the good side of the beginnings of the year is that they make you optimistic and ambitious.

The tragic events of the last two weeks, after leaving us deeply saddened and dejected, drive us to write and express our passion for life, for games, our imagination.

I let you discover our new website and and look forward to your comments. Do you like it?


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